Six Things You Can Do To Bring Down The Costs Of Your Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is a necessary expense for any company that relies on vehicles to take care of business. Any funds put into insurance will cut into a company's bottom line. However, there are fortunately numerous things a company can do to minimize commercial auto insurance expenses. The following are six things you can do to bring down the costs of your commercial auto insurance: Check on the availability of claim-free discounts with your provider [Read More]

Homeowners Insurance Needs When Offering Home Sharing Services

Home sharing is something that is becoming very popular today, and there are one or two major companies that homeowners can use to offer these services. With home sharing, you basically rent out your entire house or just a room to people who need a place to stay. People rent places like because they are often less costly than hotel expenses and because they offer more comfort, simply because they are homes. [Read More]

Why You Should Check Your License Plate From Time To Time

Having a license plate is obviously an important part of driving your car, but you might forget about it for the most part. Many drivers don't look at their license plates very often, but you should check your license plate from time to time for these reasons. Make Sure Your License Plate Isn't Expired First of all, in many states, car license plate expiration dates are printed on the license plates. [Read More]

What Is A VIN Number And Why Do You Need It For An Insurance Quote?

If you are buying a new or used car, one of the first things you will need to do is purchase car insurance for it. Car insurance is legally required to have in most states, and it is the only type of protection you can buy to protect yourself with the new vehicle you have. When you call for an insurance quote, the agent will probably ask you for the VIN number of the car. [Read More]