When the time comes for you to replace your car with a new one, you could either finance one or pay upfront for it if you have enough cash on hand. If you have cash to make this purchase, you will benefit greatly by using it to buy the car instead of financing it. Here are three of the main benefits you will receive by doing this.
You will avoid paying interest on the car
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What You Should Know About SR22 Insurance
When it comes to auto insurance, there are various policies to choose from. If you have been in trouble with the law, the term SR22 insurance may have come up. SR22 insurance is actually a certification that is filed within the state you live in. It essentially allows your state to verify that you are carrying at least the minimal amount of insurance mandated by the state and that you are financially responsible for any accidents you are involved in.
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What To Do If Your Car Is Damaged And You Do Not Know Who Caused It?
If you are in a regular type of car accident, it is not usually hard to know who caused the accident, and whoever caused it generally pays the bills for it. But, what if you are in an accident or your car is damaged while it is parked, and you do not know who caused the damage? This is when it can get tricky with filing a claim, and here are a few things you should know about this.
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4 Things to Know About State-Minimum Auto Insurance
Shopping around for auto insurance coverage? If so, then you might also be looking into buying state-minimum coverage. This is an especially common option for those driving older cars and those looking to pay as little as possible for their coverage. Before you purchase a state-minimum policy, however, there are a few things you should know.
Each State's Minimums Can Vary
Be sure to check your state's current laws and requirements when it comes to state-minimum coverage, as each state's option can vary greatly.
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